Communication gateway

Communication gateway

SCHILLER server is a communication gateway which allows SCHILLER products and systems to exchange information with Hospital Information Systems (HIS) via Health Level 7 (HL7) messages or PACS system communication via DICOM standard.


  • Automated import and export functions increases access to information, reduces manual data entry and minimizes errors
  • Imports patient demographics information via Admit/Discharge/Transfer (ADT) messages into the patient databases of the products
  • Exports findings, validations and diagnostic data and waveforms (in PDF format) via Observation Result/Unsolicited (ORU/MDM/DFT) messages
  • Supports the import of work items from a HIS or PACS system by HL7 ORM messages or DICOM Modality Worklist
  • Fully configurable to integrate with all Hospital Information Systems which implement v.2 of the HL7 standard via file transfer, socket transfer or web services
  • Supports seamless HIS integration of most SCHILLER diagnostic products
  • Allows SEMA clients the connection to LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) user management systems (like Microsoft Active Directory)


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Device availability in your market is subject to regulatory approval.